About Us

J.P. Pardiwala Arts and Commerce College, Killa Pardi is run under The Pardi Education Society trust. Around 38 years ago, the land which was wasteland, the Pardi Education Society established J P Pardiwala Arts & Commerce College in 1981 with a purpose to cater higher education to the students of this tribal and rural area. 

Shri Jehangirji Pestonji Pardiwala Arts & Commerce College, Killa Pardi, Valsad, India is affiliated to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Gujarat, India.

The Institution offers 7 programs at UG and PG levels. At UG level B.A. Gujarati, Hindi, History, Economics and B.Com with Accountancy are offered as core courses. At P.G. level, M.A. program is run with History and Gujarati as major subjects. The classes are commenced from the second day of the new academic year so that students get maximum teaching days. An Orientation Program is arranged every year for the new entrants to inform them of the subjects they have been offered and the curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, sports and extension activities carried out by the College.

The institution ensures in all the possible ways the effective curriculum delivery through a well-planned and documented process. Every year, an academic calendar is prepared by the IQAC in the beginning of the term that covers the entire academic, administrative, curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, sports and extension activities to be carried out during the year. The classes for the First Year BA and BCom are commenced from the second day of the new academic year so that students get maximum teaching days. Preferably, on the first day, “Praveshotsava” is arranged for the new entrants. The students are introduced with the faculties and are informed of the subjects they have chosen. They are also informed of the various activities carried out by the College throughout the year. The classes for the Second and Third Year BA and BCom are commenced even before the results of the University examinations are declared with provisional admission. As the admission for most of the classes are done online, it takes quite a time to finish the process and students getting enrolled. Therefore, the classes are commenced well in advance to the enrolment of the students. However, at PG level, this is not possible because of the online centralized admission procedure. The classes for MA programmes are commenced soon after the University allots students to the college. The Heads of the Departments distribute papers and topics among the members of the respective departments before summer vacation so that faculties can prepare the topics during vacation. The visiting faculties from other colleges for PG classes are also informed in advance about the topics they are supposed to teach. This gives teachers enough time for preparation and timely completion of syllabus. Two to three senior faculties are appointed to check if the classes are run as per Time Table and the syllabi are completed in time. In case of difficulty, extra periods are scheduled during Sundays and holidays. When some teacher takes leave for a longer period, an ad hoc faculty is appointed. Some teachers circulate study materials and Question Banks to students. The students are encouraged to contact faculties any time for the guidance regarding their syllabus. The teachers are asked to prepare planning of their syllabus and are asked to strictly adhere to it. the Principal and the IQAC check whether the syllabi are completed in all the classes by all the faculties. Cocurricular, extra-curricular, sports and extension activities are carried out only after the periods are over. Thus, no extra activity is carried out at the cost of studies. The college library has enough copies of textbooks and reference books for the faculties and students. Every year, new copies of textbooks, reference books and journals are added consulting the Heads of the various Departments of the college.

The up-gradation of teachers is done through their participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, short term courses, faculty development programmes etc. The faculties are encouraged to participate in such activities and do research work in their respective subjects. The college provides duty leaves to pursue their research work.

The students are clearly guided to choose from NCC, NSS, Saptadhara or Sports and the activities done under their auspice. The Women’s Cell mentors girl students. The girl students are asked to share their problems – personal or academic – with the members of the Cell. They are given the helpline numbers to contact in the time of emergency. The Cell holds a number of programmes for the empowerment of girl students. The girl students are free to contact any staff members, apart from the members of the Cell, to voice their problems. They are asked to report any case of sexual harassment either by boys, male-teachers or any other person immediately to the members of the Cell. There is an Anti-Ragging Committee in the college.

The students are made aware of it and are asked to complain any cases of ragging on the college campus. Besides these committees. The mentoring of students is done informally by almost all the teachers. The students are free to contact teachers outside the classrooms for their academic as well as personal problems. The faculties try their best to create a rapport between them and the students.